Permanently block unwanted calls from phone numbers
No need to waste time silencing and ignoring unwanted calls. With call blocking, you can block calls from telemarketers, people with the wrong number, and more.
Control which calls get through to your business
Define your list of allowed numbers, block entire area codes from your phone number and ensure only wanted calls are coming through to you and your teams.
Oversee your call data and reporting
Unwanted callers can skew important data when you’re tracking leads from your search, digital, and offline marketing campaigns.
Call blocking lets you better measure the results of your marketing by controlling the calls getting through.
Call blocking lets you better measure the results of your marketing by controlling the calls getting through.
Increase your day-to-day productivity
Boost efficiency and productivity by eliminating calls from telephone surveyors, call subscriptions, or pranksters. You save time for your employees and your business by determining which calls you want your team to answer.
Explore some of the other powerful features of eVoice
Caller ID
Know who’s calling you before you answer, so you can prioritize calls and direct them accordingly.